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Dealing With Negative Emotions
Manage Anger, Blame, Jealousy, Tantrums and Relationship Issues
by John Smale

The price of this book is less than that of a broken heart !!!

If you have problems with anger, blame, jealousy, tantrums and relationship issues then your behaviour shocks others. It means that help is needed to convert your life into one that is acceptable to you AND the significant people in your life.

Emotional baggage is a heavy load to carry. It can ruin lives because it weighs down on us and it sits in our heads from time to time, or to nearly all the time.

How much can you transform? How much do you want to change for the better and how serious are you about the effort you will put in?

Some people keep their junk or baggage and never attempt to discard it or recycle it. It is difficult to understand why they do that. Happiness is based on the removal of those negative feelings we can have. As you are reading this, then in all probability you want to change how your life is at the moment. This book will help you to do just that.

When you put stuff in your trash can you just forget about it. It will be scrapped or recycled into something useful. There is the clue. Get rid of your personal rubbish whether it is causing a bad relationship or bad thoughts about yourself. Perhaps they make you feel depressed. Then you can rebuild your life and recycle your emotions and attitudes into something useful and which will enhance your life.

The suggestions, tips and metaphors in this book will show you how to recycle yourself and turn out to be new and sparkling, shiny and clean.

WE cannot rationalise emotional problems we have to use emotion to put out the fire and to recycle our feelings from bad to good.

Rationalising is passing the buck to a huge extent. Blame the drink, blame the other person for making you angry or upset. Blame your mother or father, blame anything you want that appears to let us off the hook. It wasn't me, it was something else, BUT perhaps it was you, after all.

If somebody else starts an argument, then we need to defuse it rather than throw petrol on the fire. WE want happy lives, but all too often we do or say things that make us and other people unhappy.

Please follow the paths in this book that have worked with many people that the author has treated over many years as a therapist.






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